Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Paul Ryan Had a Black Girlfriend; Does It Matter?


(The Root) -- Shortly after it was announced that Rep. Paul Ryan would join the Romney ticket as this year's Republican vice presidential candidate, I wrote a piece titled, "What We Know About Paul Ryan and Blacks."
Well, I recently learned of another significant addition to this list.
As reported on Twitter by CNN's Pete Hamby, Ryan said he has a black sister-in-law, but perhaps even more interesting, his "college sweetheart" was African American.
So here is the million-dollar question: Is the fact that Ryan has dated interracially a noteworthy detail to consider when analyzing his politics and policies?
Here's a well-known phrase that has virtually become a punch line: When someone finds himself on the ropes facing an allegation of racism, the go-to reflex defense is usually something along the lines of "But some of my best friends are black!" Translation: "I can't possibly be racist or racially insensitive because there are black people I like and they like me. So there." Many of us are so used to hearing this -- and, frankly, dismissing it (remember George Zimmerman'smedia-friendly pal Joe Oliver?) -- that we long ago stopped asking, What if it's actually true?
wow, day by day he is not as portrayed. did his wife and family and friends know, more over did his fellow racist right wing politicians know?  very interested on how he embraces or denies this one.
For years Lou Dobbs was the face of the anti-illegal-immigration crusade. As a result of his seeming obsession with the issue, he became in the eyes of many the face of xenophobia and racism, not to mention public enemy No. 1 of Mexican immigrants. There's just one hitch to this narrative: Dobbs is married to a Mexican-American woman, meaning that he is the father of Mexican-American children. (His Mexican-born mother-in-law even lives with his family.)
even Bush 41 has the mixture in his family and uses questionable descriptive language in referring to them, http://articles.latimes.com/1988-08-17/news/mn-655_1_pride
is there more of a melting pot on the right then known to "we the people", how many on the right are fighting a moral personal war for aligning with the haters of there affections?