Monday, August 27, 2012

Mitt Romney and GOP in Tampa: How Low Will They Go? w-low-will

A local business flies an outsize Romney flag prior to the 2012 Republican National Convention.
With Republicans flocking—or swimming—to hurricane-threatened Tampa for the very wet coronation of moderate-no-more Mitt Romney as the tea-partyized (and Paul Ryanized) leader of the GOP, only one question hovers over the proceedings: How far will they go? That is, in terms of nastiness, extremism, and fact-defiance.
Every four years, it's routine—and usually justifiable—to bemoan the presidential campaign of the moment as a gutter-swipe endeavor, fueled more by low-minded swill than high-end discourse. But Romney's 2012 effort has managed to crawl along and leave plenty of space beneath the low bar, as the candidate, who once claimed to be a nonpartisan, progressive fellow distant from the radicals of his party, has deployed assaults against President Barack Obama that are tinged with racism and has countenanced attack ads that push the already much-stretched envelope of political truth-bending.
At this moment, as Romney and his confreres command a national audience, they are poised to build on a foundation of untruthfulness and Obama-hatred years in the making. The New York Times, in polite fashion, noted that Romney and his posse have decided to use this week to cast a harder edge on their message. Is that a signal that Romney's whatever-it-takes approach will now be turned up to 11?
 the spectacle of thousands of hater's most with out a clue why coming together with the propaganda merchants is wildly entertaining just not a pretty sight to see. if asked why the hate the Pres. one answer was "because his names Obama, with a look of "didn't you know?"
so called American's trashing and cheering their party's suppression of all things their jobs and prosperity, after promising in 2010 which did not take precedence over the 2008 promise to do absolutely nothing which again the under informed base cheered, oblivious to the fact that it included them too. water carriers with holes in their buckets never realize the prize just the carrot dangled in front of them they continue to race to their own demise, sad.