Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Missouri: Pressure Builds for Todd Akin to Step Aside


does this faux effort to exhibit outrage change any of their fellings which they obviously concured with Akin about, they didn't just find this out about him, they are only upset he got caught forgetting "it's on video tape stupid" as they are guilty of the same with all the BS indignation.
Updated 6 p.m. | Missouri Senate candidate Rep. Todd Akin apologized for his controversial remarks about “legitimate rape” today, as top Republicans ramped up calls for him to step aside as the GOP nominee.
In the clearest sign yet that pressure is being exerted on Akin to leave the race, National Republican Senatorial Committee Chairman John Cornyn (Texas) issued a statement saying the Congressman has 24 hours to make a decision on what’s “best for him, his family, the Republican Party, and the values that he cares about” and to “carefully consider” his options. A GOP source also confirmed that the NRSC is prepared to pull its $5 million ad reservation if Akin does not drop out of the contest.
“Congressman Akin’s statements were wrong, offensive, and indefensible,” Cornyn said.  
Cornyn’s statement came within hours of several prominent Republicans, including Sens. Scott Brown of Massachusetts and Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, calling for Akin to remove himself from the race for the good of the party. Johnson was a strong backer of John Brunner in Missouri’s GOP Senate primary earlier this month.
Though the campaign of GOP presumptive presidential nominee Mitt Romney has condemned Akin’s remarks, Romney has not asked Akin to step down, according to both a campaign official and Akin in his interview.
 i'm praying he sticks it to them by not stepping down before 5pm today. turning on him shows the clandestine back door right wing ideology as one of skulduggery and radical thoughts about Women and other's, and their thinly veiled effort to disavow it.

they either don't realize or think we are stupid enough not to recognize that claiming you used the wrong words does not change the mindset the uttered them in the first place. it just means you meant it but should have chosen less inflammatory exposing rhetoric. don't get fooled again remember G W Bush,
this from felonious Huckabee telling petioners to vote more then once is that not the same voter fraud they accuse the progressive's of?
The NRSC chairman’s statement also came minutes after Akin’s radio interview with Mike Huckabee ended. It was Akin’s first public remarks since a media firestorm erupted over his comment that “legitimate rape” rarely leads to pregnancy.
“I’ve really made a couple of serious mistakes here that were just wrong,” Akin told Huckabee. “I care deeply for the victims of people who have been raped … rape is never legitimate. It is an evil act committed by violent predators. I used the wrong words in the wrong way. What I said was ill-conceived.”
A bible based christian, Todd Akin supports traditional marriage, defends the unborn, and voted to defund Planned Parenthood," Huckabee continued.
The ad ends with Huckabee saying: "Standing on principle, leading with courage, that's Todd Akin."          http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEmjuwa_Qwg 

this from felonious Huckabee telling petioners to vote more then once is that not the same voter fraud they accuse the progressive's of?