Sunday, August 12, 2012

liars of a kind? perfect running mates

Paul Ryan loves Ayn Rand. Loves her. He has stated that Ayn Rand is required reading for everyone who works in his office.
Here are some choice quotes from Mitt Romney’s new vice-presidential running mate on Ayn Rand:
•    "I just want to speak to you a little bit about Ayn Rand and what she meant to me in my life and [in] the fight we’re engaged here in Congress. I grew up on Ayn Rand, that’s what I tell people."
•    "I grew up reading Ayn Rand and it taught me quite a bit about who I am and what my value systems are, and what my beliefs are."
•    "It’s inspired me so much that it’s required reading in my office for all my interns and my staff. We start with Atlas Shrugged. People tell me I need to start with The Fountainhead then go to Atlas Shrugged [laughter]. There’s a big debate about that. We go to Fountainhead, but then we move on, and we require Mises and Hayek as well.
   "But the reason I got involved in public service, by and large, if I had to credit one thinker, one person, it would be Ayn Rand."
republican's lying their way into your hearts and minds, better beware of that minds part, look what it's got you.
Of course, once Ryan began angling for the veep-slot he had to say that he “rejects her philosophy,” and even threw in, as he must given the sway of religious conservatives in his party, his condemnation of Rand's “atheist philosophy.” He went so far as to call the idea that he’s a Rand fanboy an “urban legend.”
So, not only is Paul Ryan a devotee of Ayn Rand, he’s also a bald-faced liar
 Ayn Rand on why the Christian Message is “Monstrous” and Christ’s Teachings are “Evil”

4:19 – Mike Wallace: “You are out to destroy almost every edifice of the contemporary American way of life, our Judeo-Christian religion, our modified government regulated capitalism, our rule by majority will. Other reviews have said you scorn churches and the concept of God. Are these accurate criticisms?”
Rand: “Yes”
4:50 – Rand: “I am challenging the base of all these institutions, I am challenging the moral code of altruism, the precept that man’s moral duty is to live for others, that man must sacrifice to others . . . since I’m challenging the base, I’m necessarily challenging the institutions that are the base of that morality.”
8:36 – Rand: “You love only those who deserve it.” Wallace: “And then if a man is weak or a woman is weak he is or she is beyond love?” Rand: “He certainly does not deserve it. He certainly is beyond it . . . he cannot expect the unearned, neither in love or in money, in matter or in spirit.”
6:30 – Wallace – “What’s wrong with loving your fellow man? Christ, every important moral leader in history has taught us that we should love one another. Why, then is this love in your mind immoral?”
Rand: “It is immoral if it is placed above love of oneself. It is more than immoral, it is impossible.”
and here we go again extremism in their ranks, wonder what the Evangelical right thinks of this, or will they overlook like all the other skulduggery?