Monday, August 20, 2012

Lawmakers Rack Up Hefty Bills Wining and Dining Donors

the republican race for office has always started at the bank.  they have no credibility with the big money people till they can show their willingness to dismiss their oath of office in favor of them. they in turn to get support of those and other's they grease a few palms and things happen, but rarely for "we the people" big money does not like other money in their club, fear of competition from someone getting a conscious.
Bill Clark/CQ Roll Call File Photo
Freshman Rep. Billy Long, who earned his seat by declaring he was "fed up" with Washington and its career politicos, spent more than $6,500 on a handful of fundraisers at venues such as Charlie Palmer Steak and Hill Country Barbecue.
From established Capitol Hill haunts such as Charlie Palmer Steak, Johnny's Half Shell and Bistro Bis to newer locales including Chinatown's Hill Country Barbecue and Cava Mezze at Barracks Row, House Members are injecting hefty sums into Washington, D.C.'s restaurant industry as they wine and dine donors.
A Roll Call review of campaign disbursements filed with the Federal Election Commission shows that Johnny's Half Shell is lawmakers' venue of choice, pocketing $323,811 in Member campaign funds since the beginning of last year. Charlie Palmer's is a distant second, raking in $296,912, and Bobby Van's comes in third with $258,766.
Feeding donors in low-lit, wood-paneled settings is nothing new for Washington's power set. It's a necessary evil in an era in which a steady flow of campaign cash is essential to defend a seat against potential primary challenges and opponents from the other party.
It's also perfectly legal to use campaign cash to court donors over an upscale lunch, or to treat campaign staff to a nice meal to discuss strategy, said Clyde Wilcox, a professor of government at Georgetown University.
rigging the law to accomadate the legal bribing is also a right wing staple, "if you need it and it's not there, just rewrite it stupid".
Is this a dinner with key constituents from your district ... or is this you're hanging out with some lobbyists and talking over campaign strategy over a really expensive meal?" Wilcox said. "The ethics of it is about morality."
That tension has become intense in a climate in which it has become fashionable for even incumbents to rail against the Washington establishment and career politicians. The FEC filings show that some Members appear to have embraced some of the trappings they derided on the stump.
money corrupts, as does power and absolute power corrupts absolutely, and the money is not far behind, partners in crime aainst "we the people".