Saturday, August 25, 2012

Is Putting Boys and Girls in Separate Classrooms Legal?

At the Van Devender middle school in Wood County, West Virginia, girls and boys learn in separate classrooms. The girls' rooms are lit with dimmer light than those of the boys. They are also kept at warmer temperatures. Girls must sit still, at shared desks. Boys get individual desks and are allowed to move around, sit on beanbag chairs, even lie on the floor. If girls fidget, they're sent to the boys' classroom—where they can't participate in the lessons, and must instead sit facing the wall. The school motto: "Van Devender Middle School: Where Gender Matters."
The school claims that its sex-segregated classrooms are a scientifically proven way to boost academic performance. According to the American Civil Liberties Union, not only are they not scientific, they're illegal. Last week, the organization filed a federal suit (PDF) against the Van Devender school, alleging that its single-sex classrooms violate Title IX, as well as the 14th Amendment's equal protection clause. (Not to mention that they diminish the quality of students' education.)
one might think "hey it's West Virginia?  but this is no more then the on going war on women they are indoctrinating their kids into their chauvinistic "man's world".  
they are prime the girls to be subservient women not worthy of equality. what is this fear of women that is so strong they have to supress them at all cost, even the 2012 Pres. election, that's kinda rabid wouldn't you say?  their motto, "keep dumb and down on the farm. 
too many years of inhaling coal dust, can you trust guys who have died in the mines from shoddy workplace conditions then stand behind the guy who wants to further deregulate making them more at risk, how anal is that?
the school's motto. "[Kids] are getting the message that the single most important thing in this place is whether you're a boy or a girl,".
sounds like the status quo, maybe this is why right wing women suffer with Stockholm Syndrome they were raised in an environment that they stand by any man right or wrong, pun intended.