Saturday, August 25, 2012

Election observers proliferate at polls

i remember the right getting their panties in a bunch when two Black Panthers who were not in the polling area at a Phila. station were deemed intimidating.
Black Panthers standing outside the polling station in Philidelphia, one is holding a nightstick. And they say that republicans are intimidating voters?
as the whites claim the fear card if they see a Black in the block, so do some Blacks knowing the nefarious antics of whites especially at voter times.  pot kettle, you betcha.
Engelbrecht and True the Vote volunteers describe themselves as the front line in a war against voter fraud.
then they should be investigating themselves, that's were the fraud is.
Engelbrecht's poll watchers claimed to have witnessed election workers telling voters how to vote in Houston in 2010 and submitted 800 reports of irregularities to the Harris County Clerk's office in Houston. Nothing came of the complaints.
"Just being in the poll and having a presence in the polling place is a deterrent," said Cathy Kelleher, a Maryland real estate agent who started poll watching and voter-roll inspection efforts after getting involved with True the Vote in 2011. "We're there so people don't try to do anything fishy."
 assumptions make an ass out of you and them, they once again slip and the truth comes out. are they not being fishy interfering in the constitutional right to vote, or is it white voters are not fishy just the one's they vote for. recognize they block the vote then whoever gets through intimidate them. "and Romney will win".