Friday, August 17, 2012

DNC rips Ryan for stimulus hypocrisy

we now know why they are getting along as much as possible even though their ideas are "different but the same", they are both habitual liars a match made in right wing hell.
The Democratic National Committee (DNC) laid into GOP vice-presidential candidate Paul Ryan on Friday, calling him a "two-faced," "typical Washington politician" for privately asking for stimulus dollars while denouncing the program in public.
The Wisconsin lawmaker admitted he asked for stimulus funds in 2009, The New York Times reported Thursday. He told a Cincinnati TV station earlier that day that he had not asked for the stimulus money. 
yeah after he lied and feigned remembering saying he had not seen the report, the report isn't guilty of his two faced lies he is, you don't forget something that your lies have caught up with you on.
"He’s a deficit hawk who voted repeatedly to explode the deficit, he’s an advocate for a balanced budget whose budget numbers don’t add up and he’s anti-stimulus except when he’s writing letters requesting stimulus dollars," Woodhouse said. "As each day passes the myth of Paul Ryan is increasingly debunked by the reality of Paul Ryan. And Paul Ryan's pet project requests were no more a mistake than his budget plan is a disaster for America's seniors."
he's a bigger lying fraud then Romney, looks like he overshadowed him anyway.