Monday, August 20, 2012

Daily Kos: Cheers and Jeers: Monday

The Awesomeness of Trickle-down Economics
Let's stick our finger into the time-space continuum and whisk our senses back to the United States of America circa late August, 2005, four-and-a-half years into the first "CEO presidency," when trickle-down economic policy was in full force:
Americans earned a smaller average income in 2005 than in 2000, the fifth consecutive year that they had to make ends meet with less money than at the peak of the last economic expansion, new government data shows. ...
Total income listed on tax returns grew every year after World War II, with a single one-year exception, until 2001, making the five-year period of lower average incomes and four years of lower total incomes a new experience for the majority of Americans born since 1945. … Many Americans are also paying a larger share of their health care costs and have had their retirement benefits reduced, adding to their out-of-pocket costs.
The Bush administration's response to the fact that millionaires were making out like bandits while the middle class was getting the short end of the economic stick?
"Not a very interesting story."
Your choice, Americans. If you feel our country needs to return to---and, in fact, double down on---the policies that encourage results like the above, then (romney)-Ryan-NORQUIST-ROVE-KOCH-ADELSON is your dream ticket on steroids.
that is true depending on whether you see the past 12 years of republican blockade war on women, call it what it is righty's, and mad spending on tax breaks for rich, war and dedication to insurance and other corporation interest with not so much as an IOU, as your salvation, then vote right wing and realize how that pig in the poke once again fooled you all, enjoy that "DUH" moment when you realize you still don't have a job or affordable healthcare, that voucher in your hand, wish in one hand and crap in the other, see what materializes first.
If not, there's a guy who, despite lockstep opposition and filibuster madness from Republicans, saved the auto industry, kept us out of a 30's-style depression, improved the health care system, expanded innovation and economic opportunity, kept taxes low, and as a bonus made the world much less safe for terrorists. I hear there'll be a lever for him in the voting booth, too.
take another look watch the twisting and turning an inability by any on the right to answer a direct question relevant to your future make you feel comfortable about your presumptive choice?