Friday, August 24, 2012

Bain Documents Released By Gawker

The website Gawker published online hundreds of pages of documents from investments made after Mitt Romney's tenure at Bain Capital on Thursday.
Romney's work at the firm, as well as statements he's made on the issue, havecome under scrutiny over the course of the presidential campaign.
John Cook at Gawker reports on one of the revelations from the files released:
Romney has long claimed, despite evidence to the contrary, that he retired from Bain Capital in 1999. The Bain documents we obtained indicate that his involvement with the company extended years past that date.
Romney indicated in a financial disclosure form that he "retired" from Bain on Feb. 11, 1999. Gawker reports, however, that the presidential candidate had a stake in Sankaty Credit Opportunities, which was not created until 2002.
the man is an habitual liar, he is so desperate to be accepted that he tainted is brand with the things we feels are normal everyday ideals.  they are not therin lies his problem in order to give them some semblance of correctness he has to lie. legitimacy only applies to the legitimate.
you can't claim dis-involvement when you repeatedly sign your name on the dotted line. looks like papa Romney wasted the money on his education, all he learned was how to take advantage of others. oh and how to run through the house with scissors.
this guy is filthy rich these 11th hour testaments how can we know whether he bought them? not like it's not the republican way.