Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Exposing Mitt Romney's Job Creation Lies

Mitt Romney recently stated that he could get unemployment down to 5.8% in just 4 years. (link) Perhaps he was speaking about some other country, because there is no way his ideas will lower US unemployment even a small amount, much less all the way down to 5.8%. That is mainly because his ideas are not actually designed to create jobs, but rather are designed to make rich people even richer than they already are. Here is the recent quote:
Through an economic policy of reduced corporate tax, expanded North American oil drilling, as well as an expansion of trade with South America, and the implementation of a 20% marginal federal income tax for all Americans; Romney claims that he will reduce unemployment to 5.8% by his 4th year in office.
If you add in Mr. Romney’s promise to end the Affordable Care Act on his first day in office, that makes a total of five ideas. Of these five ideas, two are retreads from the Bush administration, two are based on lies created by front groups pretending to be neutral, and one is really a “me, too” policy that seems mostly meaningless until you realize the implications of this policy when combined with other details of Romney's plan.  
Anyone who was paying any attention at all during the George W. Bush administration should immediately reject the idea that corporate tax cuts or a reduction in the marginal tax rate will lead to the creation of jobs. During the eight years of that administration, when these two policies were touted as ways to create jobs, we actually lost about 653,000 private sector jobs. The WSJ pointed out that this was the worst jobs creation record on record. Atlantic magazine described just howabysmal this period was in other ways:
On every major measurement, the Census Bureau report shows that the country lost ground during Bush's two terms. While Bush was in office, the median household income declined, poverty increased, childhood poverty increased even more, and the number of Americans without health insurance spiked.
this is the right wing puppet's plan "keep on doing it and one day it might work, or not"
hey forgot again "it's recorded media stupid". their arrogant forgetfulness is just a way they secretly want to be caught because they want to do right by America, or it's just they are v"STUPID".