her face tells it all she knows the backlash coming and she tries to keep that stiff upper lip, wonder how long this job will last?
guess they felt they had to balance West's racially charged BS with a female self hater, why not pay some person to counter the wave of used to be minorities coming at them.
Deneen Borelli, black, conservative Republican, Fox News consultant and author of Blacklash: How Obama and the Left Are Driving Americans to the Government Plantation was hired byFreedomWorks, a Tea Party-aligned organization to help recruit minorities.
they need to put this persons mug on every post and tree and explain what her job description is for the right wing party who at the end of the day see her and West as those to traitor "N" words over there. shameful despicable her, not only is she helping to kill "we the people" from having fair and honest elections she is also taking sides against her own gender. i can think of some neighborhoods the right can send her to recruit some minorities.
sorry but i have mad prejudice against those of color who know the right wing agenda to ignore people like those in her family yet they still align themselves with such hate that if becomes them, evidenced Alan West. disgraceful shills.