Rubio said he was surprised neither Obama nor any of his aides reached out to him before announcing an executive order Friday halting deportation of illegal immigrants who came to the nation at a young age and meet certain requirements.
who-tf is he, that the President should clear it with him when he makes land breaking decisions for the country by executive order. this guy has delusions of grandeur which the right has already proven is a lethal thing for their party member's to embrace. (Bush)
"If you’re really serious about finding a solution to this problem, don’t you work with the people who are interested in this?” Rubio said at a breakfast hosted by the Christian Science Monitor.
he is, he's taliking to his constituients and the real hispanic people, not the republican shill for their vote, they dropped him like a hot potato after the Pres. OutBammed them, then when pointed out he was not a VP contender somebody told them how it looked just like what it was he wasn't useful any more. wonder how he feels having to deceive his people in favor of party promotion? collaborator?
now they hurried up a change that a now he's being vetted, appearance's are everything especially when pursuing a course from a misleading place, it can let those you are trying to smooze, in on the deception.
right does not allow for independent thought but embrace failure they have let him, Romney run for the last few years losing continually, wonder if it'll break him when he is once again rejected by the American people? and Rubio exposed as the Latino sellout.