Friday, June 15, 2012

Obama interrupted during immigration remarks

Obama was speaking about his plan to stop deporting younger illegal immigrants who came to the U.S. as children. Midway through the remarks on Friday, Neil Munro of the Daily Caller shouted to Obama, “Why do you favor foreigners over American workers?” Obama told Munro he would not answer questions while he was speaking.
Obama told Munro he was explaining the policy, not asking for an argument.
they can no longer hide or disguise their disrespect for our beloved Pres., i don't think they hate him so much as they hate the idea of him in the WH. 
this is shameful and points to their parents not having taught them self respect so hard to respect someone else, or they are just a bunch of racist SOB's that have a base and leaders that cheer this behavior on and on. 
they laugh at the idea of a fellow American dying on a hospital gurney because of no insurance, or boo a Gay soldier defending their bigoted butts. let's not be coy here it's about him being Black and their racist little minds can't get around that. no other White Pres. has been subjected to this type of prejudiced behavior, and those that cheer this despicable outburst are birds of that same feather. soiled Americans
we really need to eliminate these people from their buzzard perches or they will continue to swoop down and nibble on our bones. not fit to have any control over another. ask yourself if Rubio who was allegedly concocting a similar bill had done this would that same person have interrupted him?

Munro, he made an erroneous assumption about the Pres. not caring about the American worker, he is not the one blocking bill and violating American workers voter rights and taking away their right to bargain through unions, subjecting them to anything their employers want to do. and now wanting that same employer in the women workers bedroom and between their doctors. so mr. munro who is favoring who?