Saturday, June 23, 2012

Indiana: Oops, Richard Mourdock’s Multiple Choice SCOTUS Response

At least one candidate is prepared for however the Supreme Court rules next week on the health care overhaul law — although Indiana’s GOP Senate nominee, Richard Mourdock, probably didn’t want the world to know it.
Mourdock’s campaign uploaded four videos to respond to the high court’s imminent decision — and each one has a different answer depending on the ruling.
Uh, oops. The Supreme Court isn’t supposed to rule on the law until Monday at the earliest.
if you're thinking, "is there no end", well sorry to be the one who deliver's the verdict "no there is no end. they are 24-7 365/366 a decade forever engaging their plan to take over the world, hey didn't i hear the same thing on the cartoon show "Pinky and the Brain"?   well the venue fits the republican's behind their closed doors.
i can see a comedy movie coming to theaters near you "Babbling Beohner and the brainless congress" you love the way the reporter's play them saying the very thing they deny in the next clip. then those moments of real feeling, Beohner blowing snot bubbles, and don't forget their classic "we keep telling him (the PRES.) to come work with us", or the all time favorite "he's done nothing but ruin the the country,(snickering telling Cantor, because we body slammed him everytime he tried to get something to help the people, and make himself look good, "hell no he can't"