Thursday, June 28, 2012

Fast and Furious Flub

still putting the blame on the Pres. do they all meet at a central place then drink the kool aid before the sun comes up?
witch hunts will find a witch, even when there is no witch, just the agenda driven over zealous, deceitful hunter.  the guy they chose in this article was not prepared to address the real questions only their talking point. this guy lies and then the right wing cover up is what shows the people the skulduggery the Issa inquisition is using to stall their own investigation by Holder.
never a voice raised when these things were happening including the war crimes but they will pursue justice like Elmer Fudd and Bugs Bunny or the Road Runner and Wylie Coyote they will just keep trying using asinine excuse for why the should be allowed to continue in a fruitless effort that "we the people" want to see the price tag Mr Issa.