Friday, April 20, 2012

poor war alive and advancing

if you could imagine the discrepancy in the poor and the rich then the poor out of work those on min. wage they by law fall under the amt earned to pay taxes. but do in every other societal forum food, clothes, diapers all things they need to purchase comes with tax. we used to say that they got you coming and going. who is really trying to divide the country, the Pres. who advocates fairness and moral standards or those who lie and tell you that he wants to take your money and give it to a Black family or the aforementioned they pay no tax, he is trying to turn the country into a welfare state, he's a food stamp Pres., all admirable traits for a president of a free country, except when you say it with a racist radical right wing inference, turns it from sugar to elephant dung. please click title