Saturday, March 17, 2012

"For Soldiers, the Enemy May Be Themselves"

haven't heard a word from right except more war talk. multiple deployments one termer's war wreaks hell on all that become involved in it. this is shameful. this is a testament to why right should not be a the helm of a row boat. they would be all to ready to send them back again. i thank God never went through anything like PTSD or night terrors, as it was call in my time. i wrote this on my blog last year.


hello, for Conservatives MONEY, OPPORTUNISTIC VENTURES, opportunities to scare the people to further those goals, Liberals lost of love ones lives lost of limbs deterioration of family lifestyle, depletion of gov. funds, inability to maintain social programs for seniors,poor,infrastructure,bridges,roads etc. which agenda should be scrapped?
5/10/11 by nick johnson