Sunday, July 31, 2011


Please don't allow pundits to influence your decisions, looking at all sides of the argument is the best way to be fully informed, then exercise that God given blessing, MAKE YOUR OWN DECISIONS, WHAT IS BEST FOR THE COUNTRY SHOULD BE SECOND TO WHAT'S BEST FOR YOU. DON'T VOTE BECAUSE____VOTE BECAUSE YOU FEEL CONFIDENT THAT THIS IS WHAT YOUR PERSONAL DELIBERATIONS HAVE BROUGHT YOU TO. I served in Vietnam 44 years ago the VA takes care of me but decisions that require my vote or input are  products of my personal requirements. That being said I don't feel we should look at the inability to get grand bargain compromise as the PRES failure these people said in '08 would not cooperate in an effort to bring him down, but they are bringing the whole country down, it's not his fault they won't work with him it's their manifesto without considering what the rest of the population will suffer. YOUR DESTINY RIDES ON IT.