Thursday, August 27, 2015

Trump’s New National Co-Chairman Questioned His Moral Center in Emails


Donald Trump’s religion has been a big question mark ever since his “little wine” and “little cracker” remark. Some Evangelicals have warmed toward Trump. Others are less certain. The latter may be proved right, if some recently leaked emails mean anything.
The Des Moines Register reveals that “evangelical conservative activist Sam Clovis said in an email just 35 days before he quit his job as Republican Rick Perry’s Iowa chairman and signed on with Trump’s campaign,” that,
“(Trump) left me with questions about his moral center and his foundational beliefs. … His comments reveal no foundation in Christ, which is a big deal.”
Donald Trump has no foundation in Christ. Can you imagine that?
In one email, we are told, “he [Clovis] praises Perry for calling Trump a ‘cancer on conservatism.'”
Perry backers shared the inconvenient emails with the Register Wednesday, because hell hath no fury like a Republican scorned.
And yes, that “little wine and cracker” remark of Trump’s had an effect on Clovis:
I ran for office on the same pretense that a person ought to be held accountable for not only what they say but also what they do. If that is the case, why should I not be suspicious of an individual who was pro-choice until he decided to run for president? 
Why should I not be suspicious of a person who advocates for universal healthcare? Why should I not be suspicious of someone who says he hates lobbyists and yet has spread millions of dollars around to Republicans and Democrats to enrich himself? Why should I not be suspicious of someone who cannot come to say that he believes in God, that he has never asked for forgiveness and that communion is simply wine and a cracker.
One person who has zero reservations about Trump is Ann Coulter. She told a crowd in Dubuque, Iowa, when she introduced him Tuesday night, that she has “felt like she’s dreaming” ever “since Donald Trump announced that he’s running for president.”
Now keep in mind, nothing about Coulter’s support has been overtly religious. As Right Wing Watch reminds us,
Coulter, who once gushed about serving as Trump’s secretary of Homeland Security, has boasted that the GOP frontrunner read her latest anti-immigrant book, praising his plan to deport every single undocumented immigrant and undermine the 14th Amendment as “the greatest political document since the Magna Carta.”
“I love the idea of the ‘Great Wall of Trump,'” she said. “I want to have a two-drink minimum, make it a big worldwide tourist attraction and every day live drone shows when anyone tries to cross the border.”
you know i totally missed that, there has been no mention of his devoutness to religious beliefs i guess he's been to busy tooting his own horn and thinking he did it all by himself  wonder why that escaped the evangelical crowd too unless they are more captured by the bigoted rhetoric than his lack of Christiandom.
maybe they know the secret of the religious right just being those who take advantage of those who believe.

Ann Coulter loves killing Hispanic border crosser's with drone strikes who do it illegally but was on the republican bandwagon when bashing Pres. for collateral deaths do to drone strikes on those they claim are the worse threat to America. despicable her just a reminder republicans don't want you here unless they can count on your vote.

funny because all the others make sure they throw a bone to the religious right so as not to be perceived as not in their corner and garner their votes but this guy comes along no bone toss just red meat you gotta ask is the religious right real or just waiting for instructions on when to stop applauding Trump????????????