Monday, June 1, 2015

NRA unhappy with Obama over new rules to keep guns out of hands of mentally ill, domestic abusers

Wayne LaPierre speaks to CPAC

As the Justice Department prepares new regulations intended to keep guns out of the hands of the mentally Ill and domestic abusers, the NRA and guns rights activists are gearing up once again to call the Obama Administration “gun grabbers” out to disarm America.
According to The Hill, the Justice Department is moving forward with more than a dozen new gun-related regulations which they intend to implement before the end of the Obama administration.
Under the new rules, attempts will be made to keep guns out of the hands of people who are mentally ill or have been convicted of domestic abuse.
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) is looking to revive a rule proposed in 1998 that would block domestic abusers from owning guns, making it illegal for some who has been convicted of a misdemeanor domestic violence offense to purchase or own a gun.
Luke O’Dell of the National Association for Gun Rights, criticized the plans to implement any more rules, saying, “It’s clear President Obama is beginning his final assault on our Second Amendment rights by forcing his anti-gun agenda on honest law-abiding citizens through executive force.”
Addressing the attempt to keep guns away from domestic abusers, Michael Hammond, legislative counsel for the Gun Owners of America said it goes too far.
okay let's stop for a minute, honest law abiding citizens?????  convicted felons, mentally ill that would be another category but a conviction generally implies you were found guilty even if you weren't but overall law abiding would be coin toss.  so after recent months under that NRA rock this is what they come up with continual arming of those most likely to abuse with a gun and the warmed over claim designed to incite that Pres. has some last ditch effort to take their guns.  well if they are that paranoid to believe that IMO they have no business with a gun.

it's election time right wing and republicans are trying to sure up the "faithfuls" who appear to be jumping ship so what better plan than scaring them with another round of the Black bogeyman guy in the WH is once again coming to get your guns.  this is a two fer for them and manufactures the crazed ones will go back out buy more guns and stockpile.  are they using their welfare checks to purchase those guns?????? just sayin since they can't buy ketchup any more.