In case you missed it, Mrs Rancic thinks that the young lady's hair
"looked like she smelled of patchouli oil...or maybe weed." Yes, because only black people smoke ganja.
Seeing the backlash to her offensive remarks, she quickly apologized.
Giuliana Rancic Apologizes to Zendaya on Twitter
Oh No They Didn't! · 17m
Dear @Zendaya, I'm sorry I offended you and others. I was referring to a bohemian chic look....
Bohemian chic look? What exactly does that have to do with weed?
you must read her response to the bigots remarks the intelligence and sincerity shine through and also shines a light on how ignorant some people are and still get time on TV. stereotyping is wrong as this person was it was not funny and few in the audience laughed you can see the worm turn when the "ah crap" moment sunk in. she also needs to know that disingenuous apologies are transparent. she needs a time out. intelligent responses to archaic bigotry seem to be coming more prevalent it is good the dumbness of the original cracks are well overshadowed by a considered and pertinent response.