UPDATED 2/27/2015 with more memes and a sobering video at the end.
Earlier today, when asked about ISIS, presidential hopeful and current Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker said that his response to the peaceful labor protests in Madison in 2011 prepared him to stamp out international terrorism. Apparently that means that in case of a terrorist attack he would sneak in and out of the White House via a not-so-secret rat tunnel and consult on the phone with bloggers pretending to be billionaire David Koch.
Even the National Review called his response "awful."
Asked about ISIS, Walker responded, “If I can take on 100,000 protesters, I can do the same across the globe.”that remark suggest that he was viewing the WI. American citizens as evil terrorist in order to make that comparison making him the real terrorist with his own Koch Jihadi, no place in American WH for terrorist we don't negotiate or elect or vote for them. recognize
That is a terrible response. First, taking on a bunch of protesters is not comparably difficult to taking on a Caliphate with sympathizers and terrorists around the globe, and saying so suggests Walker doesn’t quite understand the complexity of the challenge from ISIS and its allied groups.
Naturally, the "terrorists" in Wisconsin have unleashed a counterattack - in the form of a super-satirical barrage of photo memes.you know for him and anybody else who thinks what he did to the voters in WI. was anything but strong arm big money goons and bought gov acting on the one's who bought him orders he is a Koch whore and looks to be proud of it. if you sell out your constituents to the highest bidder only the audacity of arrogance that afflicts those on the right in it for power and money allows him to think that his pimps can buy the presidency and we the people, he thinks very little of those he seeks to control for those same pimps under the guise of president.
i don't know about the rest of you but i didn't volunteer 49 years ago to serve a country that is being controlled by the very threat it sent us to war over the taking over of this country by those not elected and subject to whatever they decide to make as law we called it communism back then now we call it oligarchy. they are buying his loyalty if you can still call it that if it has a price. get him in the WH so he can leave the backdoor unlocked and they the Koch cartel can gain access anytime.