Republican (of course) state Rep. David Moore from Missoula is spending his lawmaking hours on super important stuff these days. Like, for example, he saw a bunch of naked cyclists and it really bugged him so now he's introduced House Bill 365, which expands the indecent exposure law already on the books.
The proposal would expand indecent exposure law to include any nipple exposure, including men’s, and any garment that “gives the appearance or simulates” a person’s buttocks, genitals, pelvic area or female nipple.
The Republican from Missoula said tight-fitting beige clothing could be considered indecent exposure under his proposal.
this supports my theory that republicans support rape why these things that women have worn for decades is it to try and keep the male horniness down making them less likely to rape you know republican self protection. and second i've heard women many times comment on men in tight clothing revealing their body attributes so that would make this one sided double standard hypocrisy.