Tuesday, February 17, 2015

BREAKING: Obama Is NOT The Antichrist


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You all really should read the letter. It's priceless.  Some highlights:
From the "mind" of Boyd Thomas:
Editor: God states that seven kings must come before the rise of the Antichrist. Revelations [sic] 17:10 says the seventh king will reign for a short amount of time. Is Barack Obama the seventh king?
So...if Obama is the Seventh King, does that make Hillary the Antichrist?
Obama's lifted sanctions off Iran with promises that a peace treaty will be made but does nothing to inspect Iran as they continue to make nuclear weapons. Does Obama already know Iran's actions and is helping Iran? God says Israel must be attacked by Iran to start a war between all nations before the Antichrist can rise to create a peace treaty between these nations.
Wait...Are you saying that God is a Neo-Con?
Obama's releasing terrorists from Gitmo so they can go back to doing the same thing again. Obama won't call this Islamic terrorism. States also have no-go zones of Islamists teaching their followers how to attack people. Obama believes this is their religious right. This is to come also in these last days. Will this belief be used to create a one-world government?
Wait, what? Explain this leap of logic from Gitmo to the One World Government
the really sad part and shame for this country is that the charlatans have such a loud voice and those that hear it are on the edge of their seats biting their nails waiting for the next installment of  "as the republican world turns"  if not for the misleading of so many who could maybe contribute to the country instead of being fed lies to help tear it down.  as far as Gitmo is concerned we keep hearing republicans claiming it's Pres.'s fault that he won't close Gitmo another Obama promise broken, but it's another republican lie it's not him that has kept it open it's them.

most if not all of our problems are created by the right wing opposition that wants this Pres. to fail at your expense.  as far as them wrapping up in God again ask yourself would a person who believes be as hellish and hateful as republicans and violate all commandments and tenets of all religions? and king talk has only come from the mouths of those who try to use God as their reason why you know the same ones who bristled at the last speech about the crusades being not much different than what ISIS is doing they have to protect their fall back the blasphemy of trying to make God their fall guy.

that question "if Pres. was a 7th king does that make Hilary the Antichrist?  i'm sure that part two of that play will resurface before 2016.