"This is a self-inflicted crisis, made up by the Republicans. It is dangerous, it is the height of irresponsibility, and it's unnecessary."-Barbara Boxer, February 24, 2015 (regarding the GOP threat of a Department of Homeland Security shutdown.)
We all know Republicans won in huge numbers in the 2014 election, and they took over the United States Senate and they run it. They run it. Or at least they're trying to run it. And let's be clear, less than eight weeks after they took over the Senate, we are facing a shutdown; a shutdown of the very agency that protects the health, the safety, the lives, of the American people - the Department of Homeland Security.
They're shutting down the program that funds our police officers back home, our firefighters, our first responders. Any way you look at it - this is a national disgrace. And think about what our friends abroad, and those who are not our friends, are thinking about this.
Republicans say, 'Oh, we're in danger, we have to go to go to war, put combat troops on the ground!' But they're wiling to shut down the department that protects Americans here in the homeland, from a terrorist attack.
How does it make sense, at a time when we're facing serious threats to our national security, to furlough 30,000, thirty thousand, department of homeland security workers, and to force more than 100,000 frontline homeland security personnel to work without pay?
Why don't theses senators go without their pay?
Give up your pay! Give up your healthcare, give up your benefits, if this is so important to you. Oh, no, they'll collect their pay!
Senator Boxer reminds Congress that this shutdown threat is in retaliation to President Obama's recent plan for immigration. Boxer talks about those at risk of being deported. She talks about children who were born to American immigrants (as she was) who would be torn away from each other if the GOP had their way.
"I thought they were the party of 'family values.' Show me where that's true, ripping families apart. I thought they were the party of 'economic prosperity.' Show me how that's true, when we know from study after study show that one of the greatest things we can do for our economy and job creation is get people out of the shadows so they can go buy a home and hold a good job. They (Republicans) can't or won't pass an immigration bill. They will not do their job. So when the president steps in and does his job, they say, 'Oh, this is terrible! Let's shutdown a totally unrelated department. The Department of Homeland Security.
To make her points about Republican hypocrisy, Boxer brings up the GOP's claimed concern for 'fiscal responsibility' and executive orders.
The Center for American Progress, states it would cost more than $50 Billion to deport the entire population that the president is protecting.
And here's the deal - I've never heard of a Republican (and I will stand corrected if any Republican corrects me) I've never heard of a Republican complaining when President Eisenhower used his executive order power to help immigrants, when President Nixon did the same thing to protect immigrants, when President Ronald Reagan, their hero, protected immigrants, when George Bush Sr. protected immigrants, when George W. protected immigrants, they all used their authority.
Show me one Republican that stood up and said, 'Oh, this is outrageous! Let's impeach the president!' But it's president Obama. And they're annoyed because he won twice. Sorry. Sorry. Wake up and smell the roses. He IS the President. And he is doing the right thing for America, because he loves America.i'm loving the fact that Dems are starting to stand up and be counted and especially proud tht our women politicians seem to be carrying the flag ladies are doin' it on their own, 6 years late but better late than never. gutless male DINO'S should be ashamed. had this been the response by the entire party showing solidarity with the first Black Pres. instead of acting like republicans with a gag over their mouths and saying nothing about the racial insults, the disrespect of him as the Pres. and the office, not having his back promoting his agenda, not pulling his coat when he was headed for something they knew was not good that he wasn't aware of because he was new and blind in respect to republicans being reasonable and caring for America and it's people.
that i think was their biggest flub, not mistake because the old guard absolutely knew the danger signs but chose to stay mute. silence is more loudly interpreted as a passive okay running away from his EO's was another downfall during 2014 they silently told the people they did not support the Pres. coupled with republican constant defaming did more to influence stay home voters than the republicans were at that time. i wondered the first time i recognized the lack of support if they to were discriminating against their party's leader, you have to ask the question.