the idiot just accused Pres. of what they are doing "right now", smart but unintelligent as the day is long, but I really would not have him remove the rest of my brain tumor, the things he must dream about priceless.
In an article on WorldNet Daily, Ben Carson, 2016 Presidential hopeful, revealed part of his plan for immigration.
A national guest-worker program makes sense and seems to work well in Canada. Non-citizens would have to apply for a guest-worker permit and have a guaranteed job awaiting them. Taxes would be paid at a rate commensurate with other U.S. workers, and special visas would allow for easy entry and egress across borders. Guest-worker status would be granted to individuals and not to groups. People already here illegally could apply for guest-worker status from outside of the country. This means they would have to leave first. They should in no way be rewarded for having broken our laws, but if they are wise, they will arrange with their employer before they leave to immediately offer them a legal job as soon as their application is received.
Ah yes, self-deportation. How well did that idea go over when Romney promoted it?
He then goes on to say this:
As long as we reward people who break laws, they will continue to break laws. We do need a continual flow of immigrants, but choosers need not be beggars. We make decisions based on our needs. People who refuse to comply with the rules must forfeit chances of legalization in the future. Anyone caught involved in voter fraud should be immediately deported and have his citizenship revoked.
ummmm.........if these people are undocumented, they're not citizens. Therefore, there is no citizenship to revoke. And he wants to be President?this is the current republican house "N", who thinks ObamaCares is the worst thing since slavery, this just goes to show you no matter how smart you are in your field when you play an away game you're just outstanding in a field all by yourself press and he have spoken of a 2016 run but not republicans do they see him like they saw Herman Cain the party comedy relief? my first guess yeah!