Monday, June 23, 2014

Rep. Tom Cotton has a Koch problem

Congressman Tom Cotton of Arkansas speaking at the 2013 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in National Harbor, Maryland.

Rep. Tom Cotton made headlines this week whining to Politico that he was misunderstood, that mean ol' Democrats were making him look like a monster in his race against Sen. Mark Pryor (D) just because he wants to slash Social Security and Medicare and voted against farmers. Cotton's problem goes far deeper than Democrats saying mean things about the monstrous things he's done.
His problem back home with Arkansas voters is his Koch habit.

the right has tried to paint Pres. as weak well what do you call it when they are crying foul when they are called out on what their record says they have done?  it's on video tape stupid you have a track record you did it you are what they say you are so what the fuss?

It was revealed this week that Tom Cotton skipped an iconic political event in his district so he could spend time with billionaire donors. […] The Bradley County Pink Tomato Festival is a must-attend political event that almost all the statewide candidates head to in an election year. A major activity of the 58th annual festival was the tomato eating contest where the candidates compete with each other to see who can eat a plate of tomatoes the fastest. It’s fun to watch the candidates let their guard down and make themselves look a little silly wolfing down tomatoes.
Who was the one statewide candidate missing? You guessed it. Where was Cotton? Kissing up to the Kochs and their billionaire friends at their secret, exclusive shindig where some $300 million was pledged to buy Cotton, and other far-righters, Senate seats.
this is comical and lives up to the 3 ring circus the republican party is, guess he figures a few thousand in Koch money beats hell out of a plate of tomatoes they're getting better at math.