Monday, June 23, 2014

Obamacare Made Me Fire My Doctor - And It’s Not Why You Think

My husband and I received separate letters from our primary care physician, a woman we’ve been going to for seven years. The letter told us about “an exciting new program being offered in my practice.” There will be wellness programs, “leading-edge tools” (not revealed) and technology for “individualized treatment.” She will be reducing her practice and only be servicing these customers... er, sorry, patients. And there’s an annual fee to see her now.
When he finished being mad, my husband said, “Obamacare Derangement Syndrome.”
“Guess we’ll be looking for a new doctor,” I said.
The company involved is called MDVIP. Their member physicians charge $1500 a year for patients to receive wellness care... that ACA covers.
But here’s where the rubber really meets the Obamacare road:
“As part of healthcare reform,” the letter says, “it is expected that millions of Americans will be seeking healthcare from the same number of primary care physicians....”
In other words, my doctor is hinting she’ll be swamped with millions of unwashed minorities demanding their “free” Obamacare while you, hard-working-tax-paying-white-rich-person-with-company-paid-for-insurance might have to wait a whole extra day to see the doctor if it’s just a routine check-up!
“MDVIP will help protect our doctor-patient relationship.... As a member of an MDVIP practice, you will also enjoy on-time, unhurried routine and same-day appointments....”
 I’m still trying to figure out how I can get an appointment that will be “on-time” if she’s seeing people at an “unhurried” pace. The last doctor I went to who had a policy like that kept me waiting 5 hours (not kidding).
But, yes, I get it. It’s “concierge medicine”; a way to exclude the unwashed masses surely coming to her doors.
Now, I really like this lady. She kept me alive over a holiday once, so I have more than a little reason to think well of her. But I’m also on Obamacare. Heck, I was on early Obamacare (PCIP). And before that, she was giving us a cash discount on visits because we were uninsured (we dropped our insurance when the bill ran to $1800 a month for 2 healthy people with pre-existing conditions and no one would insure us for less).

this sounds like gauging patients and blaming ObamaCares for their unscrupulous business practices, leeches in the system bring about mistrust of something that you should be able to trust but do to republican lies and misleading information most are duped into avoiding that they should be running to, but again charlatans and republican propaganda has kept many out of health care to be taken advantage of by those who see an opportunity, thanx to your unfriendly neighborhood republican, btw who are you voting for?