Sunday, June 22, 2014

Fox Contributor:"It's Just Not Fair" To Hold Fox News Accountable For Conspiracy Theories Pushed On-Air


Fox contributor Lauren Ashburn complained that "it's just not fair" for critics to hold Fox News accountable for any misinformation and biased commentary made on-air by the network's paid hosts and contributors, suggesting the network shouldn't be held responsible for a recent conspiracy theory about the timing of Benghazi suspect Ahmed Abu Khattala's capture, which originated on Fox.
Khattala was taken into U.S. custody on June 17 for his role in helping lead the 2012 attacks on a U.S. diplomatic outpost in Benghazi, Libya. 
Fox News hosts and correspondents began immediately questioning the curious timing of Khattala's capture, speculating that it was intended to help Hillary Clinton's book tour and Fox News interview, ignoring the months of planning and preparation spent prior to Khattala's capture. The network even attempted to legitimize its hosts' conspiracy theories by pretending the speculation originated outside of the network.

if not the guilty one than who?  if you repeatedly mislead and misinform and have it rebuked on the spot or within the cycle or you allow cherry picked guest to mislead or out right lie to your viewers and you don't correct them then you my friend are responsible of promoting,  supporting and creating your own conspiracy accountability to suggest otherwise when the proof is on video tape not only in your archives but everybody else just provides more certainty of your guilt and attempt to hide it.