Tuesday, June 24, 2014

50% of Germany's electricity produced by solar in one hour on June 6, also achieves grid parity


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Here are two remarkable pieces of good news from the German solar energy sector that I did not expect to see so soon. Germany is rapidly becoming one of our model countries for proving transitions to a renewable energy economy can be done, and it can be done now with continuous improvement to existing technology.
Germans have a special word for it -"'Energiewende', or energy transformation - which aims to power the entire country by renewable resources by 2050." Germans are now laying down a challenge for other countries saying there is no longer any excuse for countries to say this is impossible.
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The Beatles- Here Comes The Sun
just ike ACA republicans want to deny us clean fuel lower priced electricity in favor of fossil fuel pollution and fracking water supplys, keep these things in mind when you vote, remember the attacks of Pres. while trying to bring this green energy ideas to fruition saving our planet and quite frankly our families and friends, republicans not so much.
The afternoon of June 6, 2014 was a record breaking day for the solar power industry in Germany when the country broke through the symbolic barrier of generating more than 50% of its total electricity needs with solar power for one hour in an all time record, according to Tobias Rothachter, an expert on renewable energy at Germany's Trade and Invest.
Solar power is now the dominant form of electrical power generation in Germany, and wind electric is the second with the two together providing 74% of all the countries electrical power needs - in 2014! Wind also set a single day record producing 39% of the countries electricity in December.
But, in terms of good news this story is like a Ginzu knife commercial - how happy would you be to hear even more good news this morning?  
As a special bonus for our readers who keep reading now, we will add an extra bit of spectacular good news from the German solar industry at no extra charge! Another recent study has shown that solar electrical generation in German has just achieved the longed-for, but illusive, goal of grid parity with other forms of electrical generation in the country. Andres Loubrielhttp of The Guardian brings us all this good news in 50 Percent of the Energy Produced in Germany Is Solar: New Record.

is your politicians listening if not tell them you want to see your great grand kids and not from a hospital bed.  they won't let go of fossil fuels they are to divested in it to change course, they have sent or kids off to die in the name of oil and are more than ready to do it again, today tomorrow after they get elected, your future your choice your gov't.

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