Tuesday, June 24, 2014

22 States Have Restricted Voting Rights


and now back to the plight of American voters at the hands of the republican party and the republican leaning scotus.

According to a new report by the Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law, “[n]ew voting restrictions developed since 2010 are slated to be in place in 22 states this November.”
The Republican Party have rolled back voting with a whole range of tactics from requiring identification to shortening the time to vote. Many of these states were long covered by the Voting Rights Act passed in 1965 to remedy 100 years of states denying the right to vote to people of color.
Limiting the franchise, limiting the right to vote is the most fundamental obstruction of democracy and certainly one of the most un-American things imaginable.
But not the only. This Supreme Court has allowed states to disenfranchise their own people, has equated money to free speech and corporations to people, and opened up the floodgates to unmitigated big money.
All three of these democratic assaults were committed by this John Roberts Supreme Court.
This has to be the worst and most harmful Supreme Court since the Roger Taney Court handed down the Dred Scott Decision in the 1850′s ruling that a Free Black person could be returned to slavery just by stepping foot in a slave state.
We’ve gone to war, killed millions allegedly to protect democracy and freedom and now the United States refuses to protect democracy in our own coWe have no business ever again using democracy or freedom as an excuse to invade another country.
The radical right-wing has turned America into a lie.
And some asshole on Fake Fox News will call me an extremist.
think it through before you vote this year and 2016 your life literally depends on it, if they are willing to stab their base in the back make no mistake what they will do to you, last minute disingenuous appeals for votes that my friends is the smiling face syndrome be careful who you smile back at. after the voting is too late for "AHHH CRAP".
