Saturday, May 31, 2014

Dick Cheney, the architect of America's biggest foreign policy blunders, calls Obama 'weak'

oh yeah, i'm following this guy he's strong and a leader, but he's in a grade school class for 7 mins. after he hears America is under attack was we waiting to hear the end of the kids story?

If I was the president, and that will never happen because I am not insane and neither are you, I'd be pretty pleased with having the still-proud architect of some of the biggest foreign policy disasters in the last half-century peeved at me.
“He is a very, very weak president,” Cheney said in an interview with Fox News. “Maybe the weakest — certainly in my lifetime.”
Cheney went on to say that during a recent trip to the Middle East, allies he had “dealt with all the way back to Desert Storm” expressed alarm at the president’s handling of foreign policy.
What kind of people do you suppose Cheney meets with, in the Middle East? Meeting for tea and crumpets with Ahmed Chalabi? A teary reunion with a fellow dubbed "Curveball?" A collection of depressed arms dealers pining for the good old days of Bush and Reagan?
“They all are absolutely convinced that the American capacity to lead and influence in that part of the world has been dramatically reduced by this president,” Cheney said. “We’ve got a problem with weakness, and it’s centered right in the White House.”
This is all part of that baffling conservative notion of strength and weakness where having New York and the Pentagon attacked by terrorists shows you are strong, and putting a bullet in the head of the person who masterminded it without having to wander blindly through a pair of poorly premised and abominably executed wars shows you are weak

what kind of man ignores threats repeatedly about impending attacks by Bin Laden that leads to 911 and thousands on both sides dead.  we know their objective was getting Iraqi oil.

is Bush seen as stronger as he sat in that chair like he peed his pants when he got the word of what his inaction caused, saying he didn't want to scare the kids, but don't you think that i just pooped my pants look tells those kids something?  this IMO was Cheyney's war and Bush just following orders.