Monday, February 10, 2014

Wisconsin Legislature Joins Radical Right's Call For A Federal Constitutional Convention
Wisconsin is the latest state to line up behind a national effort to amend the Constitution and cripple the federal government's ability to spend -- llikely forcing steep cuts in popular earned benefit programs such as Social Security and blocking Congress from responding to economic downturns or natural disasters -- apparently with the ultimate goal of completely overhauling America's system of governance. 
ok they are doing this under the pretense of bringing the budget under control, they want to cripple the federal gov't from spending folks any and all monies spent by the gov't from fruit fly studies to snatching food from children has to be signed off by that same congress that the majority of is republican Wisconsin Walker the one who pals around with the Kochs and dismisses the people desires like recalling him they sure rigged that one after over a million signature, were for it, hmmm sounds like the house being still republican after a million plus votes wanted them out.
we can no longer say "oh well it's ok they're republicans" it's not ok Rev. Al, "lots of things use to be acceptable, until we stopped accepting them" recognize.
Assembly Joint Resolution 81, which passed out of committee on Wednesday, would call for an Article V Constitutional Convention to force a federal balanced budget amendment. Article V of the U.S. Constitution provides that thirty-four states (two-thirds) can trigger a convention to propose an amendment,
which must then be ratified by 38 states (three-fourths). The legislation closely tracks the  “Balanced Budget Amendment Resolution” from the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) and allied advocacy groups promoting an Article V convention
“AJR 81 comes right out of the ‘Convention of States’ workshop and materials presented at ALEC where state legislators were promised bundled campaign contributions and grassroots support if they joined this effort to amend the federal constitution,” said Rep. Chris Taylor, a Madison Democrat who attended ALEC’s Annual Meeting in Chicago last summer,  in a statement. “I am alarmed that this effort is now making its way through the Wisconsin legislature and is tentatively scheduled to be considered by the full Assembly next Tuesday.”
this is sending it back to states if it happens we are to blame for allowing our futures to be handled not by us but them because we didn't start with the midterms if not before it is detrimental now it leads to 2016 don't let Wisconsin fool you they can manipulate across the country, remember back to states is republican buzz for republican takeover.