Thursday, August 1, 2013

Alberta Tar Sands Blowout Threatens Boreal Forest, Wasn't Disclosed Until Months Later

they were willing to unleash this on us and keep in on the DL

Tar sands oil has been spilling in Alberta’s boreal forests for months, and according to a government scientist, neither industry nor government knows how to stop it. Four "oil blowouts"  left 34 tons of vegetation covered in oil, dozens of animals dead, and two-foot-high coats of oil on tree trunks.
So far, cleanup efforts have removed 26,000 barrels of bitumen mixed with surface water - at least 4,500 barrels of pure bitumen in total. The impacts on groundwater are unknown.
here i was projecting disaster with the right wing baby tar sand going through the middle of the country being under researched and more dangerous then the right wing has lied to us about.  
and all the while it was happening before it gets here if they were to proceed without further research reasonable to think it will happen here too, remember the article said once again an oil spill that nobody knows how to fix, what are they waiting for the third time to be the charm, it either gets fixed are kills us.
 this is what deregulation looks like up close and personal.
"Everybody (at the company and in government) is freaking out about this. We don’t understand what happened. Nobody really understands how to stop it from leaking, or if they do they haven’t put the measures into place."
The spills are located at Canadian Natural Resources, Ltd.’s Primrose bitumen emulsion site in Cold Lake, Alberta. Two of the underground spills began in May, but the Alberta Energy Regulator kept the information silent for nine weeks. A third spill, reported on June 8, is believed to have been leaking for months. None of the previous three spills were reported to the public until the fourth spill on July 18.
So far, the scientist says, the best guess is that the ‘in situ’ steam extraction method used "created fractures from the reservoir to the surface that they didn’t expect." According to Mother Jones, the site extracts about 100,000 barrels of bitumen from the ground daily through steam injection. Bitumen normally has a peanut-butter-like consistency. The pressurized steam is used to heat and loosen the product so it can be pumped out of the ground.
so what do you think is best for America the republican lie about safety and ability to handle disastrous leaks, oh and this one is underground, how many centuries will that land be unlivable, chances taken for a product America will never see once it hits the international market, or go with Pres. and develop green jobs the republicans have been fighting against and China is leading us in?  2014 make your mark