It is ironic that just after Bill O’Reilly and Don Lemon generalized and castigated the black community for violence and bad behavior without the proper socioeconomic narrative that a riot erupted in Huntington Beach California. What is more ironic is that THE Taiwanese Animators behind the infamous Tiger Woods animation, caricatured the riot as a ‘white riot’. Within the animation they had the statement “A wave of violence hit Huntington Beach Sunday night at the end of the Vans U.S. Open Surfing reminding us that whites can riot too.” The not too subtle message from foreigner’s looking in is evident.
Don Bon, a commenter on the YouTube video had an interesting tidbit. He said, “I like how there’s no racial slurs when it’s whites rioting. If it was black rioters, the comments would be full of them.” Many believe a double standard in coverage and in persecution of bad acts skews both perception and statistics that have provided cover for Bill O’Reilly and Don Lemon to provide a certain level of skewed truths with a flawed narrative.Tonight Chris Hayes had a segment intended to be a joke that castigated white violence and behavior as is similarly done when minority youth are involved. It was based on a piece written by Cord Jefferson at titled “Video of Violent, Rioting Surfers Shows White Culture of Lawlessness” . In the article Cord writes,Many people don’t want to hear this kind of tough love, of course. They’d like to bury their heads in the sand and pretend that all white children are as sweet and harmless as Taylor Swift. But the reality is that the statistics tell a different story. For instance, according to research from the Department of Justice, 84 percent of white murder victims are killed by other white people [PDF]. Similarly, white rape victims tend to beraped by other whites [PDF]. White-on-white violence is a menace to white communities across the country, and yet you never hear white leaders like Pastor Joel Osteen, Bill O’Reilly, or Hillary Clinton take a firm stance against the scourge.[source]
O'Reilly needs to wrap is neck, it's still drippin', sounds a lot like he's telling the young Whites that they are doing no evil they are entitled, that's the difference between the young White and Black kids one do what they do for several reasons none which i would say are because they feel entitled.
Chris Hayes commentary immediately after the segment said the following.
If you watched that segment and thought that’s an absolutely ridiculous premise and an absolutely terrible way to talk about millions of people who share nothing, nothing except their general broad pigmentation, you are correct. And remember that the next time you hear those same arguments but with a different word in the place of the word white.Chris appeal for empathy is commendable. Cord Jefferson congruent language comparison is also commendable. They are both, just like O’Reilly and Lemon, not expanding on a narrative that is necessary to solve the problem. There is a problem with violence.There is a systemic class and race problem. An economic system is marginalizing many leaving them without hope and outlet. Violence is generally an outcome of that irrespective of race. Minorities are disproportionately jailed or given harsher sentencing by the justice system, which has a direct effect on that family’s economy. Minorities still face discrimination in hiring whether for the job proper or wages. This furthers the generational down spiral.
only when we can get the words out of our mouths then go into a listening mode respectively will we begin to enter into that which has been made the bogeyman of discourse, i think those who are afraid to and deny it are more less inclined to face up and take a stroll through their minds, you might be surprised aywhat you might find or you can keep the status qou and dance and hum along, reality one gets you started the other stalls.