Sunday, July 28, 2013

Michael Eric Dyson Blasts Tim Allen For 'Wanting Back In' On N-Word: 'Mad We've Made More Sexy Use Of It'

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surprised as i was at Seinfelds Kramer's rant, just goes to show the seething bubbles of racism are everywhere, they can deny it because they chose not to except the potency of a word they bestowed on those they subjugated for centuries. why attack of conscious, nah as you see they are trying to legitimize it again,
Limbaugh all giddy when he thought he found a loophole in NIGGA, now this guy really surprised trying to bring it back to the Whites.
Melissa Harris-Perry and her panel took onTim Allen’s recent argument that white comedians should use the word “@!$%#” as opposed to “n-word,” arguing that the euphemism has become more offensive than the word itself. Harris-Perry commended Allen for showing “some thoughtfulness” in his remarks, 
but once again a White man assuming he knows what's best for Blacks.
but the panel still took issue with Allen’s presumptuousness, with Michael Eric Dyson savaging Allen for “wanting back in” on a word white people invented for the sole purpose of subjugating African Americans.
“He wants to move from ally to reassume the appropriate privilege of whiteness, which is to dictate the terms of the debate,” Dyson said. “Look, y’all invented the n-word. We didn’t invent it. We just co-opted it. We hijacked it. We did a carjacking on that word a few decades ago, and now you’re mad because we’ve made more sexy use of it—some denigration as well. And now you want back in? No, you can’t have back in.”
 “I refuse to infantlize white people,” Dyson continued. “He says it’s confusing to me. It ain’t confusing! Here’s a general rule of thumb to follow when using the n-word for white people.Never. When you do that, then you understand you can’t do it.”
“And finally what’s interesting here is that using this kind of word—as Chris Rock said, white people control the whole world but they feel if they can’t use the n-word, somehow their power has been removed? No! Grow up, allow us to determine what is in and out. As a result of that, be our ally and challenge white people not to use it at home. You’re already using it. You just want to use it in public.”
Allen had made the argument that the use of the word would better distinguish lack of racist intent, a point with which Jonathan Rosa, an assistant professor of anthropology at UMass Amherst, strongly disagreed.
“If Tim Allen wants to carve out a space for himself in which he can use language however he wants, go for it and try it out and see if that works, and see how it’s received, right?”
this "you do so why can't i" by Whites has always since they lost their stranglehold on most Blacks i'm sure they still have that advantage in southern states, been fear of opening up a can of whip nass on themselves, which proves they know the derogatory history of the term and the detriment for them for using it out of their element.
i believe if Whites come out and condemn the word not the usage that just turns into a dare, but the word i think it will trickle across the line and make it no longer a sense of IMO misguided rebellion.