Monday, July 29, 2013

Louisiana Police Sting Targets, Arrests Gay Men For Sex Using Unconstitutional Anti-Sodomy Law

Article Photoeveryday we hear somewhere those hired and assigned to protect and serve are ignoring law and creating a police state of intimidation worthy of that right wing favorite "NAZI STORM TROOPERS".
Law enforcement in Baton Rouge have reportedly been using an invalid, unconstitutional law to target and arrest adult gay men, according to a new report.
The Baton Rouge Sheriff's Office sting was revealed on Saturday by the Baton Rouge Advocate, which investigated the arrests of at least a dozen Louisiana gay men since 2011 who agreed to consensual gay sex with undercover officers. In all of the cases, the men were arrested under the state's anti-sodomy law, which was struck down as unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2003 ruling in Lawrence v. Texas.
Technically invalid yet still on the books, the state's "Crime Against Nature" lawprohibits “unnatural carnal copulation by a human being with another of the same-sex or opposite-sex or with an animal” along with “solicitation by a human being of another with the intent to engage in any unnatural carnal copulation for compensation,” according to Louisiana legislature.
you know most of those guilty of those crimes early on were probably not Gay, just gettin' their freak on, but the haters have attached their twisted sheep screwing butts to those Gay thereby relieving their guilt by claiming not being Gay, so they couldn't have done such a thing. 
just like Whites blamed Blacks for the sleaze they committed because it was a win win for them.  Blacks would be dismissed as guilty and they would not have to bear the shame of their deeds.
This is a law that is currently on the Louisiana books, and the sheriff is charged with enforcing the laws passed by our Louisiana Legislature,” Casey Rayborn Hicks, a Sheriff’s Office spokeswoman, told the Baton Rouge Advocate. “Whether the law is valid is something for the courts to determine, but the sheriff will enforce the laws that are enacted.”
However, the Advocate also revealed that none of these cases had been prosecuted by District Attorney Hillar Moore III, whose office could find no evidence of any crime being committed by any of the arrested men.
While Hicks argued that the fact that the men agreed to sex in a public park made their actions illegal, Equality Louisiana’s Bruce Parker told that this claim carried little legitimacy as no sex ever actually happened in the park and most of the men intended to have sex at a private residence.
overzealous desire to dominate and control have resulted in deaths, jail, beatings and all because the cops wanted to, just like the lax rape legislation IMO it's to make it less a problem for them to rape Hispanic illegals, Blacks and American Indians, wives their children and sheep, they do the dirt then try to kick it on anothers shoes.  hesitation of VAWA they wanted to strip that law so as to enjoy their extra curricular activities, rape and beatings, raper get child custody, is it not obvious?