Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Instead Of Hiring Trained Law Enforcement, One District In Arkansas Will Have Armed Teachers In Classrooms

Clarksville School District in Arkansas has made the decision to arm more than 20 teachers and staff members. In a response to last year’s murder rampage at Sandy Hook, Clarksville will be the first school district in the state to have armed teachers in classrooms. 
They are taking advantage of a law that allows licensed, armed security guards on school campuses. Superintendent David Hopkins would rather arm teachers than spend extra money on school resource officers to help protect students from any potential threats.
“We’re not tying our money up in a guard 24/7 that we won’t have to have unless something happens. We’ve got these people who are already hired and using them in other areas. Hopefully we’ll never have to use them as a security guard.”
sounds like he's saying the kids aren't worth minimum wage investment in supposed professional protection, and whats with 24/7?  
if there is a break in that night evidence would be seen and you call the cops before letting the kids in.  then again armed guards are a risk  too.
Select teachers went through 53 hours of training in order to receive the proper permits to carry concealed handguns on school campuses. They practiced with pellet guns in various hostage situations; using students to simulate the potential atmosphere of have a gunman on campus. Their training only prepares them to respond to on campus shootings. The identities of teachers and staff participating in the program will remain unknown.
Teachers who are participating in the program received 1,100 dollars to purchase a handgun and holster. Clarksville School District dished out 50,000 dollars on ammunition and training. The training was administered by Nighthawk Custom Training Academy.
The program being implemented by Clarksville School District is exactly what the NRA ordered. Remember folks the only way to stop a bad person with a gun is a good person with a gun. However, that isn’t usually the case. Gun right advocates and NRA sympathizers usually cite several instances when “regular” civilians stepped in and put an end to a shooting spree.
and there you have it all the NRA mandated to strap a teacher and none of them have experienced a crazy coming at them with that look and guns everywhere, who do you think is more likely to be able to pull the trigger and hit what they are aiming at?
will they rebuke this after dead kids from friendly fire start adding up?  the NRA never said what plan B was in the event that it goes terribly wrong.