Friday, June 14, 2013

EXCLUSIVE: Rubio Says It Should Be Legal To Fire Someone For Being Gay

Though Rubio bristles at the notion of being called a “bigot,” he showed no willingness to help protect LGBT workers from discrimination. “I’m not for any special protections based on orientation,” Rubio told ThinkProgress.
KEYES: The Senate this summer is going to be taking up the Employment Non-Discrimination Act which makes it illegal to fire someone for being gay. Do you know if you’ll be supporting that?
RUBIO: I haven’t read the legislation. By and large I think all Americans should be protected but I’m not for any special protections based on orientation.
KEYES: What about on race or gender?
RUBIO: Well that’s established law.
KEYES: But not for sexual orientation?
 the man is straight up republican he lies with impunity and seems to forget what he was doing and just shifts his focus to what he really feels no citizenship for his people and every thing of a heinous nature the right wing has tried to do to "we the people".
Workplace discrimination is an all-too-frequent reality for LGBT individuals. Two out of every five openly lesbian, gay, or bisexual employees have reported discrimination at their jobs. Among transgender workers, that figure rises to nine out of ten.
Though other Republicans have applauded Rubio’s so-called “middle ground” on LGBT issues, his record of late tells a far different story. In addition to opposing ENDA and marriage equality, Rubio also said today that he would walk away from his own immigration bill if it includes protections for gay couples.
he's taking pages from the Romney playbook and flip flopping like that fis Palin beat to death on tv, did anyone send him an email that doesn't work and we are already aware of it, yup Romney clone right down to the lies.