Monday, April 15, 2013

Marco Rubio's Sunday Show Blitz Doesn't Make The Nation's Front Pages
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after the love fest on morning joe iwas afraid i had misinterpreted an earlier p[osting putting this guy down for his ASSDD approach to convincing people they have the cure for all that ails us, except he was talking in fraud.  2016 hopeful think about how many times he'll prove he's not by 2016.
Marco Rubio's unveiling of a major bipartisan immigration reform bill Sunday was such a big story that it involved the Republican senator appearing on all five major Sunday morning news shows, Meet the Press Face the NationThis WeekFOX News Sunday CNN's State of the Union, along with two Spanish speaking network programs, Telemundo's Enfoque and Univision's Al Punto.
But the aftershocks of the media saturation were underwhelming at best. What does it take to get on A1 these days?
 If a politician making "the first major policy gambit of his career" is aided by seven Sunday talk shows, will America's newspapers even care about it on Monday? The Sunday shows' swift decline in relevance. 
ithink it more so that TV shows are able to pick up on disingenuous shucksters and if they are not going to be at least half fair then maybe so. that makes their only outlet FOX.  they are known as liars and spin enthusiast, newspapers want to keep their reputation, not smear it with BS