Thursday, April 11, 2013

Liberal Super PAC Behind Mitchell Recording - A top state Democrat says members of Project Kentucky are responsible

Article PhotoNewser) – So just who recorded a Mitch McConnell strategy session i
n which he and his aides came up with all kinds of imaginative ways to go after Ashley Judd? Two members of a liberal Super PAC called Project Kentucky, reports public radio station WFPL. And this was no James Bond-style operation, either. Shawn Reilly and Curtis Morrison were in a hallway and could hear Mitchell and crew talking behind closed doors. “One of them held the elevator, the other one did the recording and they left," says Jacob Conway of the Jefferson County Democratic Party. 
if you are in a public place and you hear someone and did nothing to amplify the voices but were able to record,does that fall under expectation of privacy?
The duo eventually turned their recording over to Mother Jones, which made it public. Conway says the men bragged to him of their deed, and he tells Fox News that he came forward because he thought the stunt showed a "lack of judgment" and he didn't want it to reflect on the Democratic Party, reports Talking Points Memo
my first thought was if he is a Democrat why would he go to Fox to tell the tale?  makes no since with their notoriety for spinning and lying and making up stories?   you don't go to Fox to make sure your Progressive party is not connected to a hot story like this?  puzzling in the least  i wonder were they payed off to give some attention and relevancy to McConnell  in his bid for re-election