Friday, April 12, 2013

Laura Bush, Cheney, Powell To Appear With President Obama In Gay Marriage A
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In a move that is sure to have my right-wing conservative friends pulling out the dusty bottle of whiskey tonight, Politico reports that a new campaign supporting gay marriage is going to be unleashed. The stars of the show? Former Vice President Dick Cheney, former first lady Laura Bush, former Secretary of State Colin Powell, and President Barack Obama.
The Respect for Marriage Coalition, a group that is co-chaired by the Human Rights Campaign, will be launching a $1 million media campaign in support of marriage equality. The campaign will begin with spots on national cable TV and the Sunday morning news shows, and will also feature ads on websites, including PoliticoThe New York Times, and The Wall Street Journal. Full-page ads will be appearing in several major newspapers.
The Coalition wanted to show voices from the right and from the left. The clips aren’t new interviews, but are clips from previous recorded shows in which the Fab Four have expressed their opinion of gay marriage and marriage equality.
Former Vice-President Cheney’s daughter, Mary, is gay and married her long-time partner in June. He has been involved in marriage equality lobbying efforts in Maryland. The Cheneys didn’t attend the wedding.
i sometime wonder if these people really believe in what they rant against or is it the desire to keep things where they can feel the upper echelon of American culture, nose in the air and all?
cheyney for someone who believes anything "he" does is without consequense and is totally the right thing to do and do over if he had to.  abandoning family for bigotry is not loyal to family.  what he is doing is not loyal to the constitution and America or Americans.
"I'm sure it was fine. We wished them well. She wanted to avoid having it be a media circus or having it become part of the political debate. So Lynn and I were very proud and happy and congratulated them."
given his propensity to lie and mislead ask yourself. do you really believe that?