Tuesday, December 4, 2012

‘New’ Photo Of George Zimmerman's Broken Nose – Trying The Case In The Press (AUDIO)


c'mon where was this pic when he killed Trayvon?
What has never been at odds in the Trayvon Martin case is that there was a physical altercation between George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin, one that led to Zimmerman using his gun to shot and kill the unarmed 17-year-old African-American high school junior on February 12, 2012, in Sanford, Florida.
What has also never been at odds – by virtue of Zimmerman’s own 911 call prior to this altercation – is that he, Zimmerman, was the aggressor, pursuing Martin with no clear cause, ultimately verbally confronting the boy, which led to the encounter. The transcript of that call follows: [Courtesy of WikipediaShooting of Trayvon Martin:]
 As the defense does what defense lawyers do, sully the victim to save the defendant, we, the people, continue to be bombarded with every manner of detail attempting to sway public opinion…jury pool opinion.
But while it’s clear the release of information and “new photos,” as noted above, are intended to evoke sympathy and support the notion of “self-defense,” what we, the public, also know is that this damage was inflicted upon Zimmerman, per the timeline of his own 911 call, only after he stalked Martin for no cause in the parking lot of Martin’s father’s townhome complex.
once again where has this pic been for 10 months, why was it nver brought ot during his hearings when they were waving around no evidence photos arguing the fight was more Trayvon then the killers.