Tuesday, December 4, 2012

McConnell declines to endorse Boehner plan


Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.) on Tuesday declined to endorse a proposal issued the day before from Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) that would raise revenue by $800 billion.
McConnell kept his distance from a proposal that received a hail of criticism from conservatives, including Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.), a prominent voice in the Senate GOP conference.
Instead, McConnell praised Boehner for showing leadership and scolded the president for not taking a more active role.
WHO'S THE BOSS? it sure isn't Tony Danza everybody is afraid of somebody kiss the ring and butt if necessary. so who has final say in the clan?
“I have no particular observation other than that I commend the House Republican leadership for trying to move the process along and getting to a point where I hope we can have a real discussion,” McConnell told reporters after the weekly Republican lunch.
McConnell said behind-the-scenes talks between Boehner and senior White House officials have stalled.
“Frankly I had hoped that we would be accomplishing more in the real talks that are going on privately but I can tell you, being aware of those, there’s nothing going on privately that’s not going on publicly,” he said. “We’ve wasted an enormous amount of time here sparring back and forth in public.”
sounds like he's admitting to wasting our money with frivolous bluster when Pres. told him what he was looking for if they were not prepared to do it then this is waste on the republicans hands still obstructing, and in no way serious.