Saturday, December 1, 2012

GOP centrists split on plan to extend only middle-class tax rates

Several House Republicans say the party should consider extending current tax rates for the middle class — but not all of them agree with Rep. Tom Cole (R-Okla.) that a vote should come now.
 Cole, a member of the GOP whip team, made waves earlier this week by disclosing that he had privately pushed party leaders to hold a vote on legislation locking in tax rates on annual family income up to $250,000. President Obama has insisted on the move.
 While many conservatives recoiled at Cole’s suggestion, a number of more centrist Republicans have signaled they are open to the idea.
The thinking behind the strategy is that Republicans will find themselves boxed in at year’s end if negotiations to avert the “fiscal cliff” have stalled and Democrats are pressuring the GOP to pass legislation to protect 98 percent of taxpayers from a marginal rate hike.
so they are doing this not because it's right and they care about the middle class but because they don't want to look bad? looks like they've been outbama'd again Pres. is working it this time he learned on the job now it's his job period.
The Senate has already approved an extension of tax rates up to the $250,000 threshold. Obama has said he would veto any bill that keeps the current rate for income above that level.
so is it "we the people" that matter to the right or them the 2%?