Sunday, December 2, 2012

Climate Change – Crackpots Vs. Science

The earth’s climate is changing and as the leading nation in the world, the United States should be taking a leading role. Instead, we are being cowed by shrill voices on the right proclaiming climate change a massive hoax. 
They point to arguments made by the Heartland Institute, the Heritage Foundation and the American Association of Petroleum Geologists as proof that human activity has no impact on the planet and the climate change we are experiencing is a natural process.
Never mind that 97 percent of scientists have come to the consensus that climate change is real and is being driven by human activity. Even a study funded by the Koch Brothersconcluded that climate change is real and caused by gases resulting from our use of fossil fuels.
Why are we letting such a small percentage of people, who are powered by obvious motives, dictate public policy? When did the outcry of crackpots take precedence over science?
IMO this is not a complicated reason on the right wing side, admission of global warming and it's cause as far as man is concern would be admitting there is cause for regulation on factories like Koch industries, big oil and coal the republican campaign piggy banks, they pay your political officials to vote down deregulation, which results in a carte blanche environment for big business shortcuts galore and who suffers from this anything goes what they refer to as freedom and certainty which translates to freedom to dump, pollute, and deny you workplace safety isn't that freedom and certainty for "we the workers?
It isn’t difficult to understand why entities like the American Association of Petroleum Geologists would put forward the notion that all is well and there’s nothing to fear.
Their entire way of life, not to mention their income, is on the line. As Upton Sinclair famously said, “It’s hard to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on him not understanding.” And of course, there are all sorts of other entities that are inextricably entwined with our current energy sources and have no wish to see funds and efforts directed elsewhere.
So they concoct lies, present them as truth and badger the American people into either believing the poison they spew or just giving up and crying uncle.
they will vilify and demean and most egregious lie to you about any and everything that would result in favor of "we the people" if it cost business a few pennys more.