Saturday, December 1, 2012

Boehner Declines To Name Specific Entitlement Cuts He Seeks In Deal
 is he about to break out in tears again?
Asked on Friday what kind of specific entitlement cuts he seeks in a deal with the White House over the so-called fiscal cliff, House Speaker John Boehnerpointed reporters to previous GOP budgets, declining to name further demands in a potential counteroffer.
"You could look at our budget from the last two years, and there are plenty of specific proposals, most of which were part of the conversation that the president and I had two years ago, or a year and a half ago," Boehner told reporters at press conference. "There have been discussions about many of those same issues this time. So there's a lot from the conversations that we have had to inform almost anybody of the kind of proposals that we're looking for."
here again Beohner say's, Pres. has yet to lay out a plan, he's not serious he wants you to remember the absurdity of ideas they misled about 2 years ago and that's laying out their 2013 plan with clarity? how about you just tell us again Mr. Speaker or did he forget what lies they told 2 years ago?  oh what a tangled wed we weave.
i'm sure we can all see who is not serious and playing games "you research our lies 2 years ago and thats our plan, it's after the election and they still have not told us anything except "good luck in the archives".