Friday, November 9, 2012

John Boehner Says Obamacare Is The Law Of The Land, But Still Favors Repealing Legislation
John Boehner Obamacare
is he looking like he's crying cause he knows he's lyin'?
i told you they were not gong to change their stance inspite of all we have come to know about the benefits of ObamaCares they still want to kick 30 million plus to the ER interesting to see them try and pull this off especially when their own ranks have utilized the program ACA.
WASHINGTON -- In an interview with ABC News on Thursday, House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) said that the president's Affordable Care Act was now the "law of the land."
The comments were immediately trumpeted as a turning point in the year-long debate surrounding the president's signature law, which has long been the target of repeal among House Republicans. But in a clarifying statement to The Huffington Post shortly after the first excerpts of the interview aired, Boehner's office made it clear that he still favored changing the legislation, if not eliminating it entirely.
“While Obamacare is the law of the land, it is costing us jobs and threatening our health care," said Boehner's spokesman Kevin Smith. "Speaker Boehner and House Republicans remain committed to repealing the law, and he said in the interview it would be on the table.”
i don't believe business owners are willing to fire staff to save a couple of bucks they are probably right wing business people, especially since projections to the economy are so positive. letting people go reduces their productivity that bring less money then ACA it's right wing misleading, any businessperson knows you have to keep the work force you have to maintain your business reduction is a bad move, lost of those fired will be much much more then additional tax or insurance which is mostly co-pay so business does not carry the full load.
 The full transcript of the ABC interview, as provided by Smith, makes it clear that Boehner never really embraced the Affordable Care Act as a fait accompli following the 2012 elections.
DIANE SAWYER: A couple of other questions about the agenda now. You have said next year that you would repeal the health care vote. That's still your mission?
JOHN BOEHNER: Well, I think the election changes that. It's pretty clear that the president was reelected, Obamacare -- is the law of the land. I think there are parts -- of -- the healthcare law that -- are going to be very difficult to implement. And very expensive. And as -- the time when we're trying to find a way to create a path -- toward a balanced budget -- everything has to be on the table.
DIANE SAWYER: But you won't be spending the time next year trying to repeal Obamacare?
JOHN BOEHNER: There certainly may be parts of it that we believe -- need to be changed. We may do that. No decisions at this point.
no spot changing as eluded to, same resistance to what helps Americans, and they want to show people they are now the party of love for everyone?