Sunday, September 16, 2012

Poll: Obama has foreign policy advantage

was there really ant doubt who the better man is? the right knows it too, evidenced by voter blocking, redistricting. voter id's, voter roll purging and the ever present rebutted lies
(Credit: CBS)
(CBS News) In a CBS News/ New York Times poll conducted as the current Middle East turmoil erupted, President Obama has the advantage over Mitt Romney when it comes to who voters trust to handle an international crisis.
Sixty-five percent of likely voters are at least somewhat confident in Mr. Obama's ability to handle an international crisis, including four in 10 who have a lot of confidence. By comparison, 58 percent have confidence in Romney's ability to do so, including just one in four with a lot of confidence.
 The poll was conducted Sept. 8-12, and most of the interviews were done in the days just before violent protests against the U.S. broke out in the Middle East.
but given Romney's gun jumping and the not so presidential rhetoric i don't see anything would ave been different, maybe he should have taken a page from Bush's book, 911 just sit there about to cry or pee?
Handling the economy
The economy remains the top concern of voters in this election, and likely voters are divided between the two candidates on this issue. Forty-seven percent of likely voters now think Mr. Obama would do a better job handling the economy and jobs, while 46 percent choose Romney. The candidates are about equal on handling taxes, and Romney (51 percent) leads Mr. Obama (43 percent) on handling the budget deficit.
The percentage of registered voters that think Mr. Obama's economic policies are improving the economy now has risen 10 points - from 17 percent in July to 27 percent today. Another 32 percent say his policies will improve the economy if given more time, while 38 percent say they will never improve it.
as Beohner likes to say "the American people have spoken", back at ya cryin' man.